Sunday, May 24, 2009

What I Got

Here's a list of what I've planted thus far:
Banana Peppers - 6 plants
Broccoli - 1 plants
Brussel Sprouts - 1 plants
Butternut Squash (Early) - 1 plant
Celery - 1 plant
Eggplants - 3 varieties - 7 plants
Green Pepper (Bonnie) - 2 plants
Ground Cherry - 1 plant
HabaƱero - 1 plant
Ho Chi Minh Peppers (Hot) - 4 plants
JalapeƱos - 6 plants
Kale - 18 plants
Okra (Burgundy) - 1 plant
Pimento (Red Pepper) - 2 plants
Purple Marconi (Sweet Pepper) - 1 plant
Sweet Corn
Sugar Snap Peas - 3 plants, trellised
Summer Squash (Yellow) - 1 plant
Tomatoes - 7 varieties - 7 plants
Watermelon - 1 plant
Yellow Pepper (Sweet) - 2 plants
Zucchini - 3 plants

Basil - 9 sweet, 12 Thai
Cat Mint - 3 plants
Cilantro - 2 plants
Lemon Balm - 1 plant
Onion Chives - 1 plant
Oregano - 1 plants
Parsley - 2 flat, 3 curly
Mint - 1 chocolate, 1 pineapple
Rosemary - 2 plants
Stevia - 3 plants

I also have a few more plants that I got from my sister-in-law that she was given by the horticulture department at the U of M. But they are full of aphids, so I'm gonna see if I can get rid of those before I put them anywhere near my other plants...and I have to find more room.

The corn is planted next to the garage, by our compost bin, and I also planted some sunflowers back there...all by seed and we did that earlier this week - nothing's come up yet but we are diligently watering every morning and night!

Pictures of new and old, finished projects to come next week. Stay tuned.

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