Monday, May 11, 2009


This past weekend I went to the Friends plant sale at the Fairgrounds. It was absolutely insane. I doubt I will every go to that again...well, maybe on the last day - definitely not on the first! I have injuries on my ankles from women running their carts into me. I'm not lying. I picked up some veggies there but since we had to get in and out quickly I didn't get nearly as many plants as I wanted. Saturday morning we went to the DT Farmers Market and I picked up a couple more plants - way overpriced so I won't be doing that again.

We did get a bunch of stuff done this weekend - I have Fridays off now so my weekend has been extended! Jim cleared out the out compost area and put the new bin up. There is plenty of room for a couple plants back by it, too. We'll see about that. I finished planting in the big garden, unless something needs to be replaced due to an early death. I also go the pepper plot done. I am actually almost all done planting except for one small plot that I think I am going to dedicate to beets, and I'll probably start those by seed.

These pictures are from earlier this's the tomatoes, seven of them:

These are the peppers, with some lilies sharing the plot:

I am doing more container gardening this year than I have ever done, simply because Jim has a bunch of containers and I wanted to make use of them. They work well for herbs, which you will see here! (see how excited I am?):

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