Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Still Growing

The beast plant has started taking over this side of our house, too. These flowers are one of my mother's favorites - I think they're called 9 o'clocks? They've grown much more this year than they did last summer - they were in the same place then. This year I fertilized them with some worm poop fertilizer from Terracycle - I LOVE their products! It was started by college kids and they reuse all of their packaging, and you can find it at Target. That will be my first and, hopefully, only product plug.

The peppers are going crazy!

The Tahitian Bridal Veil hasn't gone as crazy as I'd hoped - but it is still pretty! The spiders love making nests in it and maybe if you click on the picture to enlarge it you may see one.

The herb pot is out of control...a couple of weekends ago we used a bunch of the chocolate and pineapple mint in mojitos, but it has only come back harder since then.

Below is my pot of annuals. The sweet potato vine is taking over, you can hardly see the variegated ornamental grass anymore. The spiralis in the middle is still going, though - again, click on the picture to enlarge...

I have had my eye on this star, and ones like it, all summer long. I went to my favorite garden center on Central and the guy gave me $20 off of this one. It looks great in our little "café" area...when the beast vine tries to wrap around it the rust ends up stopping it in its tracks. Nice.

This will be my first ear of corn, exciting - right?

The brussel sprouts in the background to the right...almost as tall as the fence now, I definitely need to start harvesting it...

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